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Investing in real estate

Are you thinking of buying real estate in the Orlando area. Ever thought about owning your own vacation rental? Let us help you to find your dream home! When we assist you we try to get you a good house with potential. It's easy to sell a house but it's hard to find a good house that meets the criteria that people are looking for these days.When we go out with potentional buyer and we look at the houses we always ask ourselves the question: "Do we want to rent this?". That's probably tells us something about how picky we are. But we try to get you a good house!

When it comes to revenue we also tell you the truth. Don't expect to get rich. When you break even at the end of the year, you're doing good. When you make a decent profit, you're doing fantastic! It's just our nature to be honest and not telling you what you want to hear.

Did we disappoint you? Hopefully not! We just want to protect you and helping making the right choices. Now that we've put you back on the ground, it's obvious that investing in real estate gives you a better roi than put your money in the bank at 0.XX percent!

When it comes to investment-properties, you can choose between investing in short term or long term. Both options have their own benefits.

Long-term + : Steady (lower) income even when the economy dips. Low expenses on maintenance (new furniture, household goods). Not paying for utilities as they are usually paid by the tenant.
Long-term -: You can't use it yourself as a place to join your vacation.
Short-term +: Higher gross income in compare to long-term (double, triple or more is normal). You can use it yourself!
Short-term - : Owner pays for utilities, furniture / decoration and replacements of these items. More risk when economy dips.

If you're interested to talk more about investing in real estate in Orlando, just give us a call or send us an email. We're more than happy to assist you in making your dream come true!

Ron Biegelaar, Realtor®

Homes of America Realty Group

17445 US Hwy 192 St#15
Clermont, FL34714

The newest vacationresorts in the Orlando area

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